Color Analysis: Find the Best Palette for Your Unique Coloring

Not Sure What Colors to Wear? A Color Analysis Will Leave You On a Better Path Toward Achieving a Look That Fits You.

Wearing Colors That Suit Your Unique Coloring

Makes All the Difference

The right colors can make you look like you just finished a day at the spa or at the beach, while the wrong colors can make you look a little under the weather. 

When you wear colors that are in your palette, EVERYTHING will go together. This means you will be able to get dressed with more confidence and more enjoyment. And you’ll look and feel great.

A Color Analysis will help you discover your personal color palette and enable you to find pieces that will bring out your own beautiful coloring.

What we’ll achieve during a color analysis appointment:

Color Assessment

I will assess you and your coloring. This appointment does require a good amount of me looking at you! I use color drapes to find your correct palette (made up of 3 different properties.) We’ll find your ideal overall value, value contrast and color contrast.

Hair Color Recommendations

I assess and make suggestions for the most flattering hair color choices.

Makeup Recommendations

I will even look at your makeup and make suggestions you can try on during the appointment based on the best colors for your unique coloring.

What you need to do: provide a window with good natural light, hair pulled back and all makeup removed (you can bring your own makeup or use my business makeup if we’re meeting in person).

fashion color analysis seattle

Tools You Keep

Two business-sized color cards with color families, your personal color palette swatch, and a personalized Color Book containing all your unique color.

This appointment can take up to 2 hours and will need to be scheduled during the day. Daylight is essential! I can do the color analysis either in-person for those in the Greater Seattle area or virtually. When we’re finished you’ll know exactly what clothing, makeup, and hair colors to choose from at your next salon appointment or a shopping trip. 

Your Investment: $350

Cool/Warm Makeup Consult

Do you ever wonder if your makeup color choices are the most complimentary for you?  If your makeup is helping your look or hindering your true beauty?  This appointment provides a low-stress makeup help environment.  I will assess whether you are Cool or Warm toned, look at your face shape and facial features, listen to any concerns you have and what you would like makeup to do for you.  We then can use RFFC makeup to find the right colors and apply them in a way that feels most like you.  This 1-2 hour appointment will leave you feeling sure you have the right cosmetics for your coloring and style.  RFFC makeup is available to purchase.

What you need to do before the   appointment:

1. Fill out RFFC Makeup Questionare

2. Pay RFFC Invoice-sent via Paypal

What you need to bring to the      appointment:

A freshly washed, makeup free, self tanner free face with hair pulled back

Headband to hold hair out of face

Any current makeup you have

What we will do at the                     appointment:

1. Discuss what you want from your makeup

2. Discuss Face Shape and Facial Features

3. Assess Cool/Warm tone

4. Use RFFC makeup to find the right colors in the makeup you use

Your Investment: $50

I’ve had a few makeup tutorials in my life but Rebekah really helped me see my natural composition/shape as a good thing. She helped me accentuate what I already have. I left my appointment feeling confident and encouraged. I learned what colors work with my skin tone and she taught me some application techniques. I actually needed less make up than I originally thought!

– Aubrey W. 

Look More Radiant With Colors That Enhance Your Natural Beauty 

Look and feel vibrant every day with color choices that complement your unique coloring. Start by booking a FREE 30-Minute Style Consultation today and we’ll discuss how color analysis can elevate your style.  

Gift Cards Available

Would you like to invest in a RFFC Service for someone else? Give a gift? We have Gift Cards for each of the RFFC Services offered.