“I Have a Business, We Must Need a Polo”

Posted On May 29, 2020

Or do you?…..

As I work with Business Owners and Entrepreneurs developing their Dress Code I often get asked about a polo.  I am not talking about wearing a polo to work and it’s Refinement Level, but rather a branded polo as a representation of the company.  So, do you need a branded polo for your company? How can you know?  Let’s look at the polo and it’s purpose in the business world.

In 1990 the business world accepted a new maxim, Business Casual Fridays.

What did this mean? Simply put, prior to this there was one way to dress for business.  A higher refinement level was required in the business world.  Some employers, and most employees, wanted to be able to let loose, relax at work.  Business Casual Fridays was still pretty elevated in refinement, but this is where and when the business polo and cackys entered into the everyday business dress.  Fast forward 30+ years and my how our business dress has changed.  People have differing opinions on the pros and cons of this initial move, however most people would hold similar opinions when looking at a polo and cackys-“dated”.  As I often speak about Business Dress Code, and really any dress at all, what you wear is throwing out descriptor words for your Business, descriptor words about your Business itself.

How do you want your business to be viewed?  What are your descriptor words?

There are businesses I work with where a polo is a helpful and important part of their dress code. A branded business polo is a fantastic idea for a gym owner, as seen above for Go Conquer Fitness.  However, more than not it is not representative of the business and is seen as an outdated idea. So, are you a business owner? Are you thinking about investing in a branded work polo?  Take the time to think through: What purpose would this polo serve for my business? How would a polo fit in with the image I want for my business? Do I need a polo or am I just following what has always been done?  Really think through your whys before you make that purchase.  Ensure that this polo will help represent your business as you want it to be.  If you would like expert help, schedule a RFFC Business Refinement Appointment and let me help you express your business image with a Dress Code that works for you and your Business.

Written by Rebekah Floyd

I am a mom, wife and a Fashion Stylist and trained Image Consultant. What started out as a fun way to help others express themselves through fashion became a calling when I trained with an international Certified Image Consultant. Over the years I have worked with a variety of people and businesses including men, women, moms, grandmas, wealth management firms, accountants, occupational therapists, gym owners, authors, executive directors, photographers, makeup artists and more.

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